environmental fluid mechanics group at CUT
environmental fluid mechanics group at CUT

The Environmental Fluid Mechanics Group at CUT was initiated at the end of 2011 in the Department of Civil Engineering and Geomatics, Cyprus University of Technology, by Dr. Evangelos Akylas. For the moment it is constituted of one post-doctoral researcher, three PhD students and four MSc Researchers, working in the fields of turbulence modelling and applied fluid mechanics with applications in environmental flows. The study of these challenging flow problems has resulted in scientific publications in a wide range of different research areas (from meteorology to hydraulics and to fundamental fluid mechanics), whilst the attained expertise has led to scientific contributions to numerous research projects. The Group pursues research collaborations and holds close and continuous relations with scientific and professional teams in Europe (ERCOFTAC Group, NOA-Greece, University of Athens, University of Cyprus) and in the United States (SANDIA Labs) exchanging ideas and know-how in modeling issues. The joint activity of the Group seeks innovative modelling ideas for interesting dynamical problems fundamental and applied, providing wide opportunities for collaborations with specialists of different fields within and outside our academic environment.