selected completed MSc Theses in our group at CUT
Ioannis Kastanas (2013), An Integrated Method for Wind Power Estimation: Application for Western Cyprus Areas, MSc Thesis, CUT, Cyprus
Abstract. This study explored the possibility of estimating the wind energy potential at several areas in order to cover the western part of the island of Cyprus with the respective information. The methodology of the analysis was based on the standard application program, WAsP. Monthly wind speed and direction statistics (on a bi – daily basis, every 12 hours) for six stations from 2001 – 2008, show a strong influence of sea – breeze, which is very intense, especially in the southern coast of the island. In the case of the northern coast (Polis station and Kato Pyrgos), the wind speed remains relatively high also during the night, exhibiting much lower daily variation, although still changing its variation. The wind statistics obtained here, served as the basis in order to estimate corrected statistical distributions over the extended areas of application through Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Program (WAsP) which modifies the wind flow due to local topographic effects. Aggregation of the data with statistical weighting methods, allowed the extrapolation of the results and the visualization over the western part of the island. It appears that coastal areas are affected by local flows of sea breeze that is dependent by the succession of land and sea. Mean wind speed values at stations of Limassol and Mallia range to 2 – 5m/s, at Pafos about 5m/s, at Prodromos at 3 – 4m/s, at Kato Pyrgos at 2.5m/s – 3m/s, and at Polis at 3m/s. The application indicates that interesting points with higher wind energy potential, suitable for wind resource exploitable exist. The wind potential analysis through WAsP showed that all areas are influenced significantly by the complex orography model and the wind speed easily reaches the value of 10m/s. However, further application and inclusion of all the data available from nearby stations is needed in order to improve the accuracy and complete the coverage of the island.
Georgios Zivlas (2013), Assessment of the risk of environmental impact from gas industry in Cyprus, MSc Thesis, CUT, Cyprus
Abstract. The energy sector constitutes one of the major factors that determine the economy and development of a country and as a consequence the global economy. After renewables , natural gas is the cleanest and purest source of primary energy, while reducing the dependence on oil reserves. In 2011, the company ''Noble Energy'' conducted on behalf of the Cyprus Republic surveys on land 12, which showed the presence of 7.5 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. This fact, combined with the geographical position of Cyprus, enables the Republic of Cyprus to play an important role in developments in the energy sector. The exploitation of gas fields is expected to improve the economy bringing general development for Cyprus. At the same time, the industry of oil and gas causes serious and unpleasant consequences to the environment, some of which affect human health. In the present Thesis, an overview description regarding the natural gas, the concept of the AOZ and the current situation in Europe in the field of energy, as well as the process of environmental impact assessment are discussed. Furthermore, an extensive analysis of the environmental impacts, present during the extraction, production, use and transport of natural gas and liquefied natural gas are given. Finally an assessment of the risk of environmental impact and an overall risk assessment are conducted regarding Cyprus.
Michalis Polycarpou (2013), Wave power resources of Cyprus coasts, MSc Thesis, CUT, Cyprus
Abstract. The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate the wave power resources of Cyprus coasts, emphasizing on wave power in general and focusing on the spatial distribution of the wave power of the Cyprus coastal region. The main objective of the study is indicate if wave power is a meaningful source of renewable energy for Cyprus, based on results from the wave model E - WAVE. The main parameters being studied are maximum significant wave height, average significant wave height, significant wave height’s standard deviation, wave period, wave period standard deviation, wave energy potential and wave energy potential standard deviation. Main results arising by the study of the E-WAVE model are shown, focusing into specific coastal areas in order to provide with a detailed description and quantitative conclusions are drown.
Mohammad Iman Khozeymeh (2014), Numerical study and modeling of super-free fall in liquids, MSc Thesis, CUT, Cyprus
Abstract. This thesis presents studies from different authors on free falling of a liquid and uses Computational Fluid Dynamics (CDF) to reconstruct the experimental data. The upper surface of a liquid can super-accelerate (larger than gravity) if it is released from a vertical tube of which the lower cross-sectional area is larger than the upper cross-sectional area. Several well described models of pipes, such as continuous expanding pipe (conical shape) or system of concentric pipes describe how the recently reported super free fall occurs in liquids. It seems that in order to get the phenomenon, the tube geometry has to expand smoothly in the case of conical pipe and also the relative levels of filling could be crucial. In a conical shape tube, a larger expansion would increase the growth and detachment of the viscous boundary layers along the tube walls, and the phenomenon would disappear. Another concern is the disturbing of the upper interface shape and stability which is a further result of the super free fall that occurs in an expanding geometry whilst not in the system of concentric tubes. This could point out that the formation of nipple is strongly related to the shape of the tube. The main goal of this work is to conduct CFD study on the subject and to describe completely the phenomenon of super free fall of the liquids. The use of CFD can indicate the appearance of splashing or disturbing liquid on top of the upper interface and also reveal relations between the shape of the tube, surface tension and the phenomenon. This will allow to testing a wide range of conditions and to study in much more depth the formation of the nipple.